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Ms. Sangalli's Class

Jessse's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jessse's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

One should be open to advice from parents and "our" business is their business as well. We didnt learn everything we know now on our own, they have in some way influenced the majority of what we've come to be. Futhermore, i do find it right to listen to your parents for the most part as they, from experience, know what is right and wrong.

1 point

I believe anyone can watch anything they want. A 17 year old can watch a rated R movie in school if they would like to; if the movie is being shown in school, then the movie in some way has to express a moral life lesson. In school we are required to read novels whose content is just as if not not more severe than what is seen in a movie. Same goes for the underclassmen, it all comes down to the level of maturity and whether or not they can act "appropriately" when watching a reated R movie. however, if there are stricter families, the dispute can be settled simply by issuing a permission slip where they can decide along side their parents.In today's society, rated R movies are considered less explicit.

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